To the begining

Something Changed
Friday, May. 03, 2002 ~ 3:48 p.m.

"The life I had imagined was nothing compared to the life I experienced. My mother didn't lie to me, but she didn't tell me the whole truth. She told me faerie stories, but I don't blame her. I know she didn't know any different. I'm not trying to say I didn't enjoy myself, but for a while, I started to question my decision.

"The gypsies became my family, but I didn't forget the family I had and the first chance I got, I wrote to my father letting him know I was well. I didn't expect an answer, but I felt better knowing that my mother wouldn't worry so much about me.

"My new family taught me many things, the first of which, was reading and writing. They challenged my mind and my body, but it was obvious that they enjoyed their lifestyle tremendously."

She paused the pen again as the door to the tavern room quietly creaked open. A soft yellow light spread across the floor, marred only by a single shadow. She turned her head to see who was allowing the noise to invade her silence. A strand of hair fell in front of her changing eyes. They flashed purple, showing a slight annoyance, but faded to blue once she saw who it was.

Kayla descended the stairs gracefully as she had always been able to do, even when she was eight months gone with child. Her golden blonde hair was braided as it usually was, half of it hanging free with the braid wrapped around, forming an informal crown. She had lost all the weight she had gained from her last pregnancy. She still wore the little wire glasses which had always given her eternally youthful face the maturity of her mind.

She made her way across the room, and stopped in front of Rose. She looked at her a moment before she spoke.

"Something's changed, hasn't it?"

Rose smiled. This was one of the many things that endeared this mortal to her. Kayla was very powerful, but it was a subtle power. She rarely used it in a way that would draw attention to herself or her babies, but if the situation came about, Rose was sure she could defend herself with more power than she herself had ever been able to in life or death.

"Yes," she almost whispered as she pushed the book closer to Kayla. "Something has."

Kayla touched a hand to the book and instantly realized what it was. She flipped through the first few pages quickly, then looked back at Rose.

"You remember everything? How?"

"I slept, and it all came back. Who would have thought it would be as simple as that," she said, smiling again.

"I see." Kayla paused a moment to look at Rose again. "The sleep agreed with you. You will let me read it when you're finished, won't you?"

"Of course."

Kayla smiled and nodded her thanks, then turned and headed back up to the main room. There was work to be done, for both of them.

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